
荒漠甘泉∕9 月 9日

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

 有落在土淺石頭地上的....。」(聖經馬太福音十三章 5 節)


  「....土淺....」聖經告訴我們:好土是「誠實善良的心」(聖經路加福音八章 15 節)。


  那麼,淺土是什麼呢?淺土乃是那些沒有真誠目的的心。一個溫柔的請求,一篇良好的講演,一首動人的詩歌,立刻就能感動他們;起初看看,似乎會有相當的成效,但是因為土淺,沒有深入 ── 沒有進深的、誠實的目的,沒有懇摯的慾望要明白真理 ── 不久就枯乾了。







  當神將我們掘深了以後,他才能交付我們更多的真理、更深的奧秘、更大的責任。主啊,求你引我進入你生命的深處!並救我脫離膚淺! ── 選


“Not much earth.”(Matt. 13:5.)

  Shallow! It would seem from the teaching of this parable that we have something to do with the soil. The fruitful seed fell into “good and honest hearts.” I suppose the shallow people are the soil without much earth -- those who have no real purpose, are moved by a tender appeal, a good sermon, a pathetic melody, and at first it looks as if they would amount to something; but not much earth -- no depth, no deep, honest purpose, no earnest desire to know duty in order to do it. Let us look after the soil of our hearts.

When a Roman soldier was told by his guide that if he insisted on taking a certain journey it would probably be fatal, he answered, “is necessary for me to go; it is not necessary for me to live.” This was depth. When we are convicted something like that we shall come to something. The shallow nature lives in its impulses, its impressions, its intuitions, its instincts, and very largely its surroundings. The profound character looks beyond all these, and moves steadily on, sailing past all storms and clouds into the clear sunshine which is always on the other side, and waiting for the afterwards which always brings the reversion of sorrow, seeming defeat and failure.

When God has deepened us, then He can give us His deeper truths, His profoundest secrets, and His mightier trusts. Lord, lean me into the depths of Thy life and save me from a shallow experience!

On to broader fields of holy vision;
On to loftier heights of faith and love;
Onward, upward, apprehending wholly,
All for which He calls thee from above.

--A. B. Simpson.





發表於2008/06/19 01:13 (4055閱讀)
